Cure your adrenal fatigue!

Click on any of the following to read more about the process to cure your adrenal fatigue! Please note that I am providing this information to help you take your health into your own hands and cure your adrenal fatigue. I am not a physician, I have been a patient like you, and have cured myself with the help of these resources!

How do I know if I have adrenal fatigue?

A hair test for adrenal fatigue? That doesn’t seem right. Don’t you mean a blood test?

Adrenal fatigue: Can I just rest? Or eat better?

Adrenal fatigue: But my doctor/naturopath tells me…

What is the scientific explanation for adrenal fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is toxic metals? I’ve never been in an environment with toxic metals. This doesn’t make sense.

Adrenal fatigue: How did I get like this?

Can I just do a fast or a cleanse? Or drink detox tea? Or eat parsley and chlorella?

Can I just get rid of one metal at a time?

Is there a cure for adrenal fatigue? Can I realistically recover from this?

So I do a hair mineral analysis test, and then what?

Internet articles say hair tests are a scam. Are they?

How long will it take to heal from adrenal fatigue?

How much does nutritional balancing cost? Will insurance cover it?

Who can help me get started on a nutritional balancing program?

There are a lot of different ideas about adrenal fatigue on the Internet. How do I know which is the right one?

What can nutritional balancing do for me?

Brilliant scientific explanations from Nutritional Balancing science: just to name a few

How can I find testimonials and more information on nutritional balancing to heal adrenal fatigue?

My story: curing adrenal fatigue

How do I know if I have adrenal fatigue?

exhausted-151822_1280First of all, let’s clarify something: adrenal fatigue and chronic fatigue are different terms for the same thing, and adrenal burnout is an advanced stage of adrenal fatigue.  We’ll just refer to it as adrenal fatigue here for the sake of simplicity. Adrenal fatigue causes many seemingly-unrelated symptoms.  A dominant feeling is that you feel unusually low in energy, and rest just isn’t enough.  As adrenal fatigue practitioner Theresa Vernon reveals:

“The first sign of adrenal fatigue is reliance on stimulants. If the idea of going without your stimulant is an issue, you have adrenal fatigue. There, you have taken the test, now you know.  If you need stimulants to feel good, you are already exhausted. In fact any drug that makes you feel better is a sign that you are already exhausted because ultimately their effect is a stimulant effect. Even alcohol or drugs that are said be sedative actually have a stimulating effect on the adrenals. Many people get by for years on stimulants, which can include behavioral and emotional stimulants like overexercise, workaholism and even constant worry, such as putting yourself in a fear state and indulging in anger. All of these will rev up your adrenals and keep you from feeling just how tired you really are.” [1]

Additional indicators, according to Dr. James Wilson, a leading adrenal fatigue specialist, include being “tired for no reason,” having trouble getting up in the morning, needing coffee, colas, energy drinks, sodas, salty or sweet snacks to keep going, and feeling run down and stressed. [2]

The way to find out if it is adrenal fatigue is to take a hair mineral analysis test. The only two in the United States that don’t wash the hair at the lab (resulting in accurate results), according to the American Medical Association, are Analytical Research Labs and Trace Elements, Inc.  [3]

Read on: The next blog entry is “A Hair Test? Don’t you mean a blood test?”


  1. Metals and the Mind article by Theresa Vernon, on the Weston Price Foundation website
  2. Dr. James Wilson website: www.
  3. Dr. Lawrence Wilson website:

A hair test for adrenal fatigue? That doesn’t seem right. Don’t you mean a blood test?

scissors-145127_1280A hair mineral analysis test reflects the storage levels of minerals rather than just what is being transported in the blood.  The body transports metals in the blood, but does not keep them there. Metals are stored by the body where they cause the least amount of damage, in the tissues. Blood tests reveal what is circulating in the body; hair tests reveal what is stored in the body.  To demonstrate:

  • Calcium loss from the body can become so advanced that severe osteoporosis can develop without any appreciable changes noted in the calcium levels in a blood test as blood would pull calcium from the bones to always appear perfect.
  • Symptoms of iron deficiency can be present long before low iron levels can be detected in the blood.
  • 30 to 40 days following an acute exposure of metals such as lead, elevated blood levels of lead may be undetectable. This is due to the body removing the lead from the blood as a protective measure and depositing the metal into such tissues as the liver, bones, teeth and hair. [4]

Hair tissue mineral analysis is screening test to measure the levels of 21 or more minerals in the hair tissue.  Hair is also a storage tissue and a tissue that the body uses for excreting excessive amounts of toxic metals and other substances such as illegal drugs to help rid them from the body.  Therefore it is an excellent place to measure these items.  Hair provides a unique, biopsy type of reading of metabolic activity.

Blood tests do not provide the same information as a properly performed hair analysis.  Hair analysis measures a different body compartment.  Minerals are shifted from the tissues to maintain blood levels.  This means that deficiencies or excesses often show up earlier in the hair than the blood.

Few doctors understand both types of tests well enough to  interpret the hair and the blood tests correctly to understand how they relate to each other.  A few of the major differences between hair testing and other common tests include:

  • The hair measures a different body compartment than the blood or urine.Each has its own metabolism.
  • The blood is maintained at the expense of tissues such as the hair.This means the hair will change first, often years before the blood.  The blood is far more buffered.  It has to be because it touches every cell.  Large variations in mineral levels here would be fatal.  This is not the case with the hair.
  • The hair is a storage organ and, to some degree, an excretory tissue. The blood is a transport medium.
  • Blood, urine and saliva provide short-term or even instantaneous readings, whereas a hair test provides a 3-month average or a longer-term reading.
  • Blood sample test results vary depending on the time of day and food/drink consumed.
  • Homeostatic mechanisms at work in the blood such as buffering of pH and osmotic balance are extremely different from homeostatic mechanisms at work in the tissues and at the cellular level in the hair.

Toxic metals rarely remain in the blood for long, but often deposit in the hair where they can be measured. Hair analysis gives a long‑term reading that is unaffected by recent meals, activities such as exercise, or emotional states.  These and other differences make blood and tissue testing very different, with each providing valuable information. [5]

Judge Brian of the Federal District Court at Alexandria, Virginia, tried a case challenging the accuracy and reliability of hair analysis. In January, 1985 he determined that hair analysis is a reliable indicator of essential and toxic elements and minerals contained in the body as a whole. Given the evidence that was presented concerning multielemental spectral hair analysis, Judge Brian concluded that the procedure was a “useful guide in the hands of a health care professional.” He further added that when “used along with other relevant information in the treatment, the results of this procedure can help in prescribing nutritional supplements and in the caring for a specific patient where a chemical imbalance in the body is suspect.”

Before hair analysis, medical practitioners who were interested in the concentration of trace elements in the body had to rely on urine or serum sampling. Unfortunately, these tests have been shown to be inaccurate because they do not measure the intracellular concentration of minerals. [6]

Read on: The next blog entry is: “Can I just rest? Or eat better?”



5. Dr. Lawrence Wilson website:


Adrenal Fatigue: Can I just rest? Or eat better?

Kale saladIf you have adrenal fatigue, rest and eating better will help, but unfortunately not cure you. Dr. Lawrence Wilson, an international expert on adrenal fatigue, writes about the many myths of adrenal burnout. Among them are these:

Myth #12.  Plenty of sleep will take care of burnout. Unfortunately, this is not so. The person in burnout  is unable to regenerate itself adequately during sleep.  In fact, waking up tired after 8-10 hours of sleep is a primary symptom of burnout.   Like a weak battery, the body does not recharge itself during sleep.

Myth #13.  Cleaning out toxins will take care of burnout. The accumulation of toxins that occurs as the body can no longer remove them properly contributes to burnout. Exposure to toxic metals or chemicals can be an important factor in burnout.  Eliminating them is helpful.  However, energy is required to release toxins. If the energy system is weak, just fasting or detoxifying will not be enough.  Fasting, in fact, can and usually does make the situation worse.

           One must rebuild the entire energy system by balancing body chemistry and providing nutrients as well.  A one-month or even six-month ‘cleanse’ is nowhere near adequate.  It can take over a year just to replenish one mineral.

           A gentle, complete program of rebuilding and nourishing the body must accompany any efforts to eliminate toxins.  In fact, as vitality improves, toxin elimination will proceed on its own.

Myth # 14.  One will come out of burnout when one changes whatever factor or behavior caused the burnout. This means that if you just quit your stressful job or your stressful marriage, you will recover from burnout.

I wish this were true.  It is not how it works, however.   As one goes into burnout, vital minerals become depleted and toxic substances replace them. The toxic metals become part of the structure of enzymes and even parts of organs and glands.  For this reason, although one changes one’s diet, lifestyle, attitudes or behavior, the toxins remain.  This is very frustrating for people who expect a recovery after they leave a stressful situation such as a bad marriage, for instance. [6]

Read on: The next blog is “My doctor/naturopath tells me…”


6. Dr. Lawrence Wilson website:

Adrenal fatigue …but my doctor/naturopath tells me…

Many practitioners recognize symptoms of adrenal fatigue, and want to address each symptom separately. Western medicine is designed to identify and fix one thing at a time.  As a patient, then, you receive recommendations from your practitioner that fix one piece of you at a time. It may be hormone replacement therapy to assist your underperforming thyroid, an herbal formula to boost your adrenal activity, antidepressants to fix your mood, or extra vitamins to increase your energy.  These fixes may provide temporary relief, but do not address the whole body system, nor do they eliminate toxicity to bring your body back to full functioning.  Ask your practitioner if their recommended solution will return you to full health, the point where you no longer need that support.  Chances are, you will need to rely on that therapy for the rest of your life.  If your practitioner concludes your thyroid isn’t working properly, ask them Why is that happening? What is the scientific explanation for your situation? What is happening within my body that is causing this? Most doctors and naturopaths are not educated in balancing body chemistry or understanding why thyroid and adrenal glands weaken, for example. If you want to cure the problem, you need to get to the root of it, and help the body heal all of its systems at the same time.

Read on: The next blog post is “What is the scientific explanation for adrenal fatigue?”

What is the scientific explanation for adrenal fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue, or adrenal burnout (a more extreme stage of adrenal fatigue) is “a major breakdown in the energy-producing systems of the body.” [7] The adrenal glands are overtaxed (that help us adapt to stress), and our bodies have accumulated toxic metals as a result, as a temporary stopgap measure – unfortunately with negative long-term impact. Toxic metals are everywhere around all of us, in our drinking water, air, food and products. These metals include copper, aluminum, mercury, nickel, and others. Toxicity causes the body’s mineral levels to be off, and inhibits absorption. In a healthy state, we absorb and utilize calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and other minerals to perform bodily functions. If these levels and ratios are off, our body does not function as well. Symptoms of this include fatigue, brain fog, emotional upset, and more.

Read on: The next blog post is: “I’ve never been in an environment with toxic metals. This doesn’t make sense.”


7. Analytical Research Labs website

Adrenal fatigue is toxic metals? I’ve never been in an environment with toxic metals. This doesn’t make sense.

MercuryToxic metals are everywhere, in our water, food, deodorant, even in our mother’s womb. A healthy body and emotional state allows us to eliminate metals from our body. If we are in a weak or stressed state, however, our body grabs onto toxic metals as a temporary stop-gap measure in place of essential minerals. If we stay in a stressed state, our bodies retain the metals instead of eliminating them. Most of us are born with some toxicity, and continue to accumulate toxins throughout our lives.

Read on: The next blog post is “How did I get like this?”

Adrenal fatigue: How did I get like this?

Adrenal fatigue can be caused from the following:

  • Stress. Too much work, emotional stress, noise, electromagnetic pollution, financial stress – these cause depletion of specific vital nutrients faster than they can be replaced by one’s dietary intake.
  • Nutrient deficiency.  Excessive carbohydrates, such as foods with sugar and wheat, stress the adrenal glands. Low protein, vegetarian diets are low in vital nutrients and enzymes, and can put the body in a stressed state. Allergic reactions to foods (many of us don’t realize our body is allergic to some foods we eat) can damage the intestines and reduce absorption of nutrients.
  • Toxins. They are everywhere: copper comes from drinking water, vegetarian diets, birth control pills and IUDs, to name a few sources. Aluminum comes from soda cans, deodorant, cookware, table salt and other sources.  Mercury comes from dental fillings, large fish such as tuna, fabric softeners and more. The list goes on and on. [8]
  • Stimulants. Coffee, chocolate, sugar, excessive exercise, anger – anything that stimulates the adrenals when we are weak will further tax our body and weaken our endocrine system.
  • Vicious cycle. Healthy bodies can eliminate toxins. As adrenal weakness develops, the body’s ability to eliminate toxins decreases, which further weakens the adrenals. As copper builds up in the body with weak adrenals, this impairs the immune system. Chronic infections can develop. Cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s disease may be end-stage results of toxic accumulation. As energy production in cells declines, other toxic metals build up as well. Mercury, cadmium, lead, beryllium and others contribute to hundreds of physical and emotional symptoms. [9]

Read on: The next blog post is “Can I just do a fast or a cleanse? Or drink detox tea? Or eat parsley and chlorella?”


8. Live to 110 website:

9. Metals and the Mind article by Theresa Vernon, on the Weston Price Foundation website

Can I just do a fast or a cleanse? Or drink detox tea? Or eat parsley and chlorella?

Green-Smoothie-blume-shutterstock_56192113Quick detoxification methods can clear some toxicity. Some are not strong enough to be effective. Some that are, including chelating programs such as DMSA and Vitamin C, also pull out essential nutrients. There is more to the process than just flushing ourselves out.  Because metals accumulate over a long period of time, eliminating them requires a comprehensive detoxification effort, one that also ensures balancing the essential minerals we need. To avoid having toxins circulating in our blood, where they may damage what they come in contact with, our bodies store toxic metals in our tissues.  In order to remove the toxins, we need to provide the body with the nutrient support it needs to be able to pull the toxins out of their storage sites and out of the body.  Only with adding the right nutrients in balanced, high doses (through supplements and food) and utilizing elimination methods will the body fully detoxify.  Nutritional balancing is the science that figured out how to support (and restore) the body while also eliminating the bad guys.

Read on: The next blog post is “Can I just get rid of one metal at a time?”

Can I just get rid of one metal at a time?

Amazingly, the body has its own wisdom of which metals are the most harmful. When given proper nutrients, the body will return to homeostasis on its own. The body eliminates the most harmful metals first.  If we try to eliminate one metal at a time, we are working against the body’s innate wisdom. Nutritional balancing gives the body the support it needs and the elimination methods, and the body naturally eliminates the toxic metals in its own order.

Nutritional balancing works in alignment with the body’s natural healing processes. The program provides the exact nutrients each individual needs according to their hair analysis, and supports the eliminative organs so they can do their job.

Read on: The next blog post is “Is there a cure for adrenal fatigue? Can I realistically recover from this?”